Monday 6 December 2010

God of War 3 (trailer)

The opening is a blacked out frame, which has the sound of violent waves breaking. A non-dietetic voice over rolls over as well, it uses a deep voice, to symbolise the power and importance of what the narration is ELS/ES (establishing shot) is used to show that the tidal sounds used before are dietetic sounds. Far away into the distance you can make out a mountain, that appears to be on fire, the wave break covering the mountain. The powerful narration carries on throughout this shot and the rest of the media. Ambiance lighting is used as the wave crashes over; a lightning bolt far away in the distance illuminates the lightning from behind. This gives you a sense of distance between: the crashing wave, and the towering mountain. This occurs on a “keyword”, “CHAOS”. 

The shot changes to a MS of the shell of a tree, captivating the majority of the frame. Many bolts of lightning hit around the tree, illuminating it from different angles; as this happens the shot pans in a circle, revealing the mountain slightly closer than before; this gives the affect of destruction. With the panning camera angle suggesting that something to do with the mountains, is something to do with the destruction; the viewer might consider this to be an evil place by the lighting choices. The shot following is of a building collapsing, with what seems to be fire encroaching from behind, this makes the viewer think of a riot/rebellion, the dietetic sound of boulders falling, clarify the importance of the building in the shot. The shot is a long shot of the building sowing it crumple, however, there is and extreme long shot of the mountain in the back. It looming over the shot (in the same way it did with previous) combined with the strategic bolt of lightning at the peak, triggering the buildings collapse; strengthens the opinion that the mountain is the cause. 
Throughout these scenes there is non-dietetic sound (a voice over) the first being “our victory brought order to the land” and the second “prosperity to mankind” these refer to the shots as the first has a tree in the frame, and the second has a “man” made building. However the voice over juxtaposes the images, as the first is of a burnt, shell of a tree, and the second is the remnants of a building. This is almost foreshadowing events to happen or it is being used as a flash back. 


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